Another ‘Jungle Book’ movie coming out in 2018?

No, it’s not a sequel to this year’s incredible live-action Disney remake of the beloved 1967 classic animated movie. In 2018, Warner Bros will be releasing their version of “The Jungle Book” that will be titled “Jungle Book.”

the-jungle-book-1967-DI-09I’m not excited for this movie, and that’s coming from someone who typically loves watching different interpretations to an origin story. I just can’t imagine making the story into anything better than what Disney was able to pull off earlier this year.
Was “The Jungle Book” perfect? Not completely. But that doesn’t mean anyone can make it better, the movie was an instant classic rich in just about every way. So with Warner Bros attempting to compete against Disney’s extraordinary budget and incredible CGI team, the outcomes of this 2018 film will be very interesting to watch.
Not too mention, when this movie is released everyone is going to be assuming that “The Jungle Book” is getting a reboot, not realizing it’s an entirely different production company.
While I may not be excited about the movie, I will say that I don’t believe it’s completely doomed. Andy Serkis, who is known for his…
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