Here is why you should check out ’13 Reasons Why’

I heard very little talk leading up to the debut of Netflix’s new original show, “13 Reasons Why“, which is very typical. Though I was surprised after being four episodes in and didn’t see much talk of the show on social media. “13 Reasons Why” isn’t only an entertaining drama, it has an impactful message that can truly grab the emotions of anyone watching.  Continue reading

‘Game of Thrones’ episode five is the best one this season

Anyone who has been reading my blog knows that Jon Snow has always been my favorite character on “Game of Thrones” and when he was resurrected back to life in episode two of season six, “Home,” I literally ran through my apartment screaming. But when you compare even something like that reveal to our latest episode of the season, there is no doubt that episode five titled “The Door” takes the win.

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‘Prison Break’ season five trailer reaction

So I have never used this blog to talked about my love for “Prison Break.” It’s somewhat of an old love, but still a love. I didn’t catch on to the show until after its finale back in 2009. I can still remember coming home after high school and instead of doing homework like a good kid, I would binge-watch the four seasons.

Who is the Three Eyed Raven? I think I have an idea

While not shown on-screen very often, the character of the three-eyed raven has been on “Game of Thrones” since season one. Shown in the first few seasons in Bran’s dreams as an actual raven with three eyes, and at the end of the fourth season, we finally received a face to the character.

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‘Black Mirror’ is the show to watch

I was recommended “Black Mirror” by a friend, as of right now it has three seasons (or series) on Netflix as well as a special episode titled “White Christmas.” Starting this show I knew nothing about it except for the fact that a guy by the name Brendan Shannon told me that the “writers are fucked in the head” and that “every episode is a new story, but it takes place within the same dystopian universe.” So starting off I had no idea what I was in for, and now I am absolutely blown away by everything this show has done.

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We need to talk about Jon Snow and Melisandre

Well, thank you “Game of Thrones,” at moments I was thinking that Jon Snow really wouldn’t be coming back. Which scared me because the show depicted him as such a hero which meant I put a lot of emotional feelings towards him. So to have these thoughts that he might not actually come back really bummed me out. Thankfully I was wrong.

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Coming to Netflix: May

We’re a bunch of binge-watching fools, and Netflix is our lover.
It’s something that, at least, I can’t help. I look forward to those relaxing nights where I get to sit on my couch and watch a movie with my girlfriend. It allows me to escape the day’s antics and give me a moment where I’m not thinking about the problems of tomorrow. And besides my movie collection, Netflix provides the best way to stream dozens of different movies.

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How Jon Snow will be brought back to life

It’s funny because I feel like season six was a long wait, but I also feel like it was only yesterday when the fifth season of “Game of Thrones” concluded.
Obviously, the biggest question on everyone’s mind when starting season six was, “what is going to happen to Jon Snow?” Will he come back to life? Will he just be dead? Will they give us any hint towards an outcome? Well, let’s talk about the hint that some of you may have missed.

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The ‘How I Met Your Mother’ ending isn’t as bad as everyone says

After the “How I Met Your Mother” series finale premiered back in 2014, the fans sort of gave a bad reaction.
I don’t mean that they were upset that it was over, I mean that they were upset with how it ended. People thought the ending was, to put nicely, absolutely terrible.

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